Tomb Raider Fan Film "Croft" Emerged Online

Have you been waiting for another Tomb Raider film adaptation? Well wait no more (sort of) as Trevor Addie and  Irma Leong wrote and directed this 20-minute long fan made film titled "Croft" which is based on Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics' video game franchise Tomb Raider.

The "Croft" movie, stars Cassandra Ebner, Liam Carter, Devyn Dalton, Nickolas Baric, Shaw Madson and Brad Friesen. I am not a fan of video games or Tomb Raider itself, but after seeing this short film, it makes me say that this is a one bad-ass fan film movies or trailers I have ever seen. And just like many others who have seen this one, I think it is now time to see another Lara Croft movie and get the people behind this Croft movie involved in that full length film.

After watching the movie above, what can you say? Does this give justice to the franchise or better than Angelina Jolie's version of Tomb Raider? Or good thing it is just a fan film and not the one we are going to see in theaters? Comments section below if open have your thoughts shared.

Source: ComingSoon
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